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Lea Tornberg Class teacher, M. Ed, pre- and primary teacher, teacher trainer, innovator, visionary, entrepreneur

Strengths include macro scale conceptualization, courage, willingness to experiment, vision, skill in recognizing others’ strengths, delegation and organization skills.

Sanna Vänttilä Class teacher, special education teacher, M. Ed

Strengths: Functional (special education) primary education, supportive activities based on student strengths, structured teaching, demanding special support and challenging situations at school (MAPA, Security Officer).

Piia Kylänpää Class teacher

Strengths include activity-based teaching, a vision for students’ holistic well-being, positivity, international experience and language skills.

Juha Lindroos AD / Marketing

Strengths include 20 years experience in international markets. Excited to learn. The desire to improve the world for all of us. A positive attitude. Ability to read and implement Lea’s thoughts!

Rauno Haapaniemi Class teacher, non-fiction writer (education and upbringing) and ICT agent / educator

Strengths include guiding the practical processes in school through community pedagogy, being receptive to change and willing to learn with others, willingness and ability to help other teachers overcome barriers and prejudices, long experience as a teacher and peer educator, lecturer and with plentiful experience as a municipal decision maker.

Anu Saarni Class teacher, early education teacher, M. Ed

Strengths include hunger for learning, listening and paying attention to the students, lively personality and a strong sense of the teacher’s work as a dream job. Specialization subjects include pre-primary and primary education, physical activity and health education.

Iida Tornberg Illustrator, Graphic designer

Strengths include creativity, playfulness and the ability to get quickly excited. An illustration specialist with a distinctive style visible in strong, colorful storytelling.

Erja Taulavuori Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor

LeaDo Director of Research.

Strengths include experience, enthusiasm and inspiration.

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