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LeaDo is an inspiring, differentiating, self-directed learning center for many opportunities. LeaDo guides students to an individual and systematic learning path.

It is easy for students to progress independently with LeaDo at their own pace. LeaDo gives the teacher time to guide the student individually. – “Teacher, I have done all! What am I doing now? ”LeaDo leaves out such questions that are repeated frequently in primary education. Students have a clear guidance in LeaDo pockets. This brings clear, inspiring and motivating action to the class.

Anu Sohlo & Jonna Kupsala, teachers, Hinta school

The method would be an appropriate tool for post-secondary vocational education, in particular to promote and maintain lifelong working capacity.

LeaDo creates and brings in professional skills for: Enthusiasm for lifelong learning, participatory culture, entrepreneurial working model, keeping fit, increasing motivation and supporting individual learning paths.

Merja Paloniemi, Head of Education, Oulu Vocational College

The LeaDo Learning Center is a skeleton around which a teacher can build tailor-made and individual pedagogical approaches that support a student’s individual learning path. The LeaDo Learning Center enables regular and structured lesson physical activity and harnessing physical activity as a learning activity.

Sanna-Mari Lehmikangas & Antti Untola, LeaDo-Development teachers

As the father of a school child, I have found that a child’s motivation to move from year to year is difficult. Technological stimulation reduce a child’s ability to concentrate on playing and playing with other children.

LeaDo model ensures that the movement will be the real motivation for a child to learn. I would be very grateful if the model could also be tried in my own child’s school. I am very pleased that the Finns can continue to innovate new ways to inspire children to learn.

Hussein al-Taee, CMI peace negotiator

LeaDo solves time-consuming problems by allowing children to move and release energy while studying, in a pedagogically designed way. In addition, the activity control solution facilitates planning and forecasting. LeaDo motivates both the child and the teacher; And not binding the hands of the teacher, it gives them more room to accomplish.

Ida Välimaa, Teacher, Vihti

As a teacher and nepsy coach, I know that getting on the move not only facilitates learning but is also a prerequisite for some students to learn. LeaDo enables this kind of movement. It is close, so there is no need to break away from the rest of the class community, and it does not label anyone’s need for movement in problem behavior.

Still, LeaDo is not a special education tool. Pretty much every student deserves a chance to get up, stretch and spin. On the same trip, it is a good idea to seek out tasks or instructions from your pocket according to your needs

LeaDo is like a source for refreshing, exchanging thoughts and seeking new perspectives. After that, everyday drilling is vigorous again

Elina Virtanen, teacher & Nepsy-coach

In my experience, the interest in Finnish educational knowledge in the world continues to be strong. Finland is considered to be a pioneer in the reform of basic education and there is high demand for products and services that concretize the new curriculum

Marianne Huusko, Education export ambassador.