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LeaDo Application

Ease and joy in curriculum management and pedagogical leadership

  • Planning and organising learning processes
  • Includes a learning card repository
  • Specific and multichannel support for pupils
  • Curriculum tool for school and kindergarten
  • It is applicable to all subjects
  • Helps make cross-cutting objectives clearly visible
  • Includes text, image, video and audio instructions
  • Hosts a video bank of pedagogical models
  • Induction and substitution material
  • Has ready-to-use tasks and learning processes to copy and adapt
  • It is a platform for teachers to create their own learning materials
  • Includes printable support material (guidelines, assessment tools, game platforms, etc.)
  • Suitable for building multidisciplinary learning processes
  • Opportunities for the teacher to profit from their shared work
  • Reinforces learner motivation through the unfolding of meanings; meta-cognitive objectives become visible